‘Even if it's not always clear and formulatable in thoughts what is painted. It's about the feeling that it gives, the feeling of the place, the object, the memory, the deja vu of it. It's like a distant memory of the object you cannot place. It's not about the separate elements but the wholeness of everything that comes together as a feeling/ sentiment and not a thought. Like visual poetry of everyday objects. Like an abstract projection of the memory that once was a real picture.
The longer you look at the paintings and separate elements as one, the more layers and dimensions come forth, unravelling the feeling I talked about earlier’
The longer you look at the paintings and separate elements as one, the more layers and dimensions come forth, unravelling the feeling I talked about earlier’
Some time ago I visited the VANDENHOVE Institute in Ghent,part of the University, to view an exhibitionby Raoul De Keyser, a Flemish painter. It was onesmall, but carefully curated exhibition with a lotarchival material, where the dedication of the curators is evidentcame to the fore.My attention was drawn to a display case containing an oldnewspaper article from the 1960sof the Gelderlander-Pers. The headline read: 'Finally someone whopaints a goal post.' Both I and other visitors had tosmile at this bold title, in a striking waymanaged to capture the core of De Keyser's work.This unpretentious approach, which shows an open and...investigative attitude is also very important to me. Itis a method that revolves around observation, consideration and aintuitive, reflective approach. The process is often accompanied byoverpaints and imperfections – sometimes desirable, butoften not.
Inspired by artists like RogerRaveel, Raoul de Keyser and Ilse d'Hollander,I approach my work with a mixtureof intuition and reflection. The finalpainting looks seemingly spontaneousand almost indifferent out while inreality a long processconstruction, repainting and strict selectionprecedes.My work is not about big themes orsocial involvement, butis purely focused on the activity ofpainting itself.The end result is both personal and...neutral, without emphasis on meaning.The meaning of the painting does not lie in thetheme, but in the process of creating—a personal quest that involves bothmaterial as the paint itself.
I graduated from the Academy for fine arts (AKI) in 1995 and...have more than 25 years mainlyworked as independently as an entrepreneurat home and abroad, as a colorist anddesign designer. During the corona period,In mid-2020, I changed course andI'm back to painting againstart aiming.Although in previous years I always didmy own work, I realized thatI couldn't just do this 'on the side'. I cameto the realization that I need more time and peaceneeded to take my work seriouslyto develop. I now have almost five yearsworked intensively to investigate whether mypainting has sufficient potential.I think there is work for me nowis somewhat acceptable and that is allowedbecome. But saying that out loud also feelsa bit vain and pretentious.On my website you can find both recent workview as work from the period 1991-1997.
picture: Roy te Lintelo